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Αθλητισμός &; Παιχνίδια

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Μόλις υποβάλετε, δεν θα μπορείτε πλέον να αλλάξετε τις απαντήσεις σας. Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να υποβάλετε το κουίζ;

1. Traditional sport and games contribution regards in a strict sense sports and health, rather than culture and education.


2. A crucial aspect that makes traditional sports and games suited for all types of participants is that their rules are in general plain and simple.


3. Well-known ways to promote traditional sports and game are:

Social media advertising
Play areas
School programs

4. Please fill the gap

Participants to traditional sports and games do not need any professional or show an adequate level of in order to join these experiences.

5. Connect each of the examples below with the appropriate traditional sports and games principle:

Letting men and women playing in the same competition
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Engaging people of all ages
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Using basic equipment (bags, ropes, hoops...)
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Social Inclusion
Gender Equality

6. Consider the pic attached. The picigin player is most likely trying to:

Save a possible score by his opponen
Hit the ball with his forearm, since touching it with the hands is not allowed
Prevent the ball from touching the ground
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